Spider-Man: No Way Home
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Peter Parker is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life from the high-stakes of being a super-hero. When he asks for help from Doctor Strange the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.


GenresAction, Adventure, Science Fiction
Release Date15 December 2021
Country of OriginUnited States of America


Life for Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is complicated thanks to his dual life as Spider-Man and the challenges of being in High School. Unfortunately for him; his best intentions are about to make things much worse in “Spider-Man: No Way Home”. Taking place where “Spider-Man: Far From Home” ended; Peter must deal with his secret identity being leaked by Tabloid Journalist J. Jonah Jameson (J.K. Simmons); and the throngs of people, helicopters, and protestors who follow his every move and camp outside his home. As if this was not bad enough; being accused of being a murderer has drawn the attention of the authorities which further complicates his life as does returning to a school where everyone knows his identity. Desperate to get away from the constant scrutiny and observation; Peter seeks out Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), and asks him to cast a spell that would make the world forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Strange agrees but mid-spell Peter requests that there are some exemptions from the spell which include his Girlfriend MJ (Zendaya); his Aunt May (Marisa Tomei); and his friend Ned (Jacob Batalon). Strange agrees but in doing so; complications arise which allows entrants from other dimensions to enter their realm. Soon Peter is accosted by villains whom he does not know but seem to know him; that is until he is unmasked and they have no idea who this Peter Parker is before them. As more villains arrive; Peter learns of their fates in their natural dimension and is determined to save them and give them a second chance which puts him at odds with Doctor Strange who says they must go back to whatever fate they had. What follows is a descent into humor and darkness as Peter despite his best intentions sees the situation go from bad to worse and he must fight to stay true to himself and save the day. The film is a difficult one to review in the fact that there are so many surprise guests, twists, and turns that it is challenging to not reveal anything but suffice it to say that fans should absolutely enjoy it. The film takes its time getting to the action as it has a very slow and deliberate climb and Director Jon Watts is confident enough in the characters and premise that he allows ample time for the characters and setting to build and be established before he gets to the action. While there is considerable fan service in the film; it never once seems like it is pandering and it all fits very well within the story and the MCU and opens up numerous possibilities for the future. There is a mid-credit scene and a post-credit scene which is basically a trailer and both are very engaging in terms of the possibilities as Marvel has again shown that their plan of interwoven stories and characters continues to deliver and that Spider-Man still remains as popular and engaging as ever. 4 stars out of 5 see more
15 Dec 2021
Manuel São Bento
FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://www.msbreviews.com/movie-reviews/spider-man-no-way-home-spoiler-free-review "Spider-Man: No Way Home is one of the darkest, saddest, emotionally draining entries in the MCU, surpassing all of my expectations. Despite a messy, convoluted first half with some pacing issues and occasionally frustrating, poorly placed humor, Jon Watts, Chris McKenna, and Erik Sommers more than compensate these minor issues with some of the best (and brutally violent) Spider-Man action ever witnessed on screen. In addition to this, the surprisingly coherent narrative packs shocking developments and actually offers enough screentime for the villains to significantly impact Peter Parker's arc. Unbelievably outstanding performances from everyone involved, especially Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Willem Dafoe. A heartfelt, nostalgic homage to the Spider-Man legacy that fans will rewatch countless times, laughing and crying along for many more years to come. A memorable, passionate, once-in-a-lifetime cinematic experience." Rating: A see more
15 Dec 2021
**" THIS IS POP-ENTERTAINMENT; AT ITS FUNNEST, WILDEST, WHACKIEST, _MOST_ CREATIVE, "SUBLIME-EST"... _B E S T_ 💜 😉 😃 "** A **-{ _B I G_ }-** Screen **_MINI_** Review ; Film Seen all of FOUR times( soon to be 🖐 ); as of Dec.15, '2021. ______________________________________________________ Tom Holland's Peter: { to MJ }: "What's that thing you always say? ...expect disappointment..." MJ: "No, no, no... NO ...we're gonna Kick Some Ass !" Tom Holland's Peter: "O.k !" Toby Maguire's Peter: -{ "Cure. Cure Some Ass" }- . **Ned Leeds: CURE THAT ASS !!!**                                         ______________________________________________________ **Somewhere, "In An Alternate Universe",** Spider-Man: No Way Home { to be hitherto referred to as NWH }, is already -Well- on the way to winning the "Best Motion Picture Of The Year" Award. { Here on Earth 🌎, incidentally, the Oscar Awards are, ( as things stand as of -_Now_- ), slated to be held on March 27, 2022 }. And -Speaking- of which, in our -{ OWN }- breathtakingly ravishing universe unfortunately, that particular proposition is likely to be a **-FAR CRY-** at best ; given the Academy's characteristic, and seemingly perpetual "Stiff Upper Lip" type of attitude towards the 'Superhero-Supervillain' genre, in general. However ; with 'Black Panther' ( 2018 ) and 'Joker' ( 2019 ) having -BOTH- been nominated for "That... -{ Most }- Coveted Cinematic Prize ...Of All ", the Best Picture Oscar ; I believe that things are, thankfully 🙏, albeit -{ Slowly }-, **changing for the better.** Yeah, so I'm er, "Officially" dubbing this "An Easter ( - E g g - ) Movie Released At Christmas", because it -well and truly- does reveal itself as **"The Movie Of A 1,000 Beautiful Surprises" . . . .** and so much, much, much, more. { And as I recently changed my review classification from 'Spoiler-free' to 'Spoiler', there is of course, a glaring "Little" reference to ( one ) of the two -most- THRILLING surprises of the picture ( by far ) }. In a nutshell, at this point, I suppose that it would be, well... -{ Suffice for me to say }- ...that NWH "far, far, far, far", surpassed my Hopes for said Theatrical 'Gargantuar' . . . . and "then some". It has -{ already }- SMASHED "all manner of records" the world over, & is currently the **6th Biggest Box-Office Earner ( E v e r ) ;** -quite possibly- soon to be Number 5 ( 💣 💥❗) ; after barrelling thru to overtake yet -Another- 'Veritable Marvel Collosus', 'Avengers: Infinity War' ( 2018 ). Right, and -these- were my three biggest takeaways: 1. The "Raw, -{ Unbridled }- Talent" of NWH's three ( principal ) youngsters, Tom, Zendaya & Jacob . . . & boy, can the young thespian Mr. Thomas Stanley Holland, ( still barely all of '25 and two-thirds' ), **Really, Really ACT 👏❗** 2. How brilliantly -{ ALL }- the 'Multitudinous Trappings Of Contemporary Fame', ( whether that fame be positive -Or- adverse ), were depicted at the onset of NWH. 3. The totally "Astonishing" standard of -{ All }- of The Special Effects ( both computer generated -as well- as "Live" ), & indeed . . . just the { " A l l - A r o u n d " } level of  cinematic accomplishment  by Jon Watts, Daren Gilford, & Mauro Fiore, ( Director, Production Designer, Cinematographer ), & the -{ Entirety }- of the picture's **CREW & CAST,** frankly ....in achieving this thru the -{ Heights }- of a global pandemic.... **K u d o s 🌠❗** **Summation:** Just before I go, I feel like I -{ Must }- say this. "If, ( -like yours truly- ), you've been a Loyal, Loving Adorer of the web-slinger for ( pretty much ) your -Entire- life . . . bring TWICE the amount of tissues ; 1 half for the ( -Several- ) Ribtickling 'Funnies' in NWH, & the other half for the **richly soulful & -{ FABULOUSLY HUMAN }- emotional scenes** that you are unquestionably going to encounter.  Also, -Do- try & stay till the -Very- end of the movie, for not just 1, but in fact, -2- great teaser scenes . . . as you'll be -certain- to glean a few -exciting- insights into the near future of the MCU ( Marvel Cinematic Universe ). And here, without further ado, is my final appraisal of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel's truly "fresh", and -{ Uplifting }- New Multiplex-Marvel. **" 25 Spider Bitten, -{ Viscerally }- Wowed,  And Indeed, " UTTERLY SMITTEN " Marks Out Of 10 . . . 😃 💥❗ "** see more
14 Feb 2022
Chris Sawin
_Spider-Man: No Way Home_ isn’t without its flaws, but it is mostly exactly what it’s advertised to be. The film doesn’t necessarily redefine the, “With great power comes great responsibility,” aspect for Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, but it without a doubt gives the MCU version of Spider-Man his version of that principle. _No Way Home_ is a nostalgic extravaganza that exceeds expectations and is a perfect and satisfying bookend for the first three Tom Holland _Spider-Man_ movies. **Full review**: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/18/spider-man-no-way-home-riding-the-nostalgia-train/ see more
18 Dec 2021

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