Fahrenheit 11/9
Fahrenheit 11/9
Michael Moore's provocative documentary explores the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How did we get here, and how do we get out.


Release Date10 September 2018
Country of OriginUnited States of America


It will be surprising to many that this movie has something for everyone. Unlike most people's expectations, this is not a simple hit job on President Trump. Highly critical of the president, it is also highly critical of President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the way politics is "played" today. For me, it was like hearing myself for the past 40 years. As I have been no fan of either major party and few of the members of either it was great to see a critical eye cast on the apathy that is so prevalent and how to shake the malaise embracing the United States today. see more
23 Jun 2021

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