Missing Link
The charismatic Sir Lionel Frost considers himself to be the world's foremost investigator of myths and monsters. Trouble is, none of his small-minded, high-society peers seems to recognize this. Hoping to finally gain acceptance from these fellow adventurers, Sir Lionel travels to the Pacific Northwest to prove the existence of a legendary creature known as the missing link.


GenresFamily, Animation, Comedy, Adventure
Release Date4 April 2019
Country of OriginUnited States of America


Can we please go back to a world where voice actors exist... Oh and bland stories don't, ideally? _Final rating:★★ - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product._ see more
23 Jun 2021
Didn't find enjoyment with this, personally. I found things a bit off with <em>'Missing Link'</em>, none of it really clicked for me - it's without a little added oomph. I was watching it unfold, as opposed to feeling invested in it. The plot is fine, just a bit bland. I found the dialogue decent, particularly with Link's schtick - though that wore off eventually. A lot of what I just mentioned probably comes down to the casting, which is meh to me. Zach Galifianakis, Hugh Jackman and Zoe Saldana are all very good actors, but none of them stood out - Galifianakis, especially, feels flat. The supports don't impress either, despite some decent names. From <em>'Kubo and the Two Strings'</em>, my favourite Laika production, to this - my least favourite entry from the studio. They are, however, still yet to produce a film I dislike - so that's a plus. see more
23 Jun 2021

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